Basic information

Archaeological Discoveries

Established by the Institute of archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences, the Annual "Archaeological discoveries" (AO) was published in 1965-1986 and resumed in 1993. It publishes information about the results of the latest archaeological fieldwork throughout the Russian Federation, as well as research by Russian archaeologists abroad. Brief information about the studied sites, the most interesting of the discovered objects, and finds is provided. The Annual is essentially the print media of the entire Russian archaeological community and an important element of the scientific information system of Russian archaeology.

The all-Russian coverage of the publication requires a clear understanding of its genre originality. The task of the annual is to promptly present in a concise form the reports of the main expeditions that have received significant scientific results. The publication of the annual, which has all-Russian coverage, is directly related to the centralized system of examination of field reports, issuance of excavation permits, and storage of reporting documentation, which has historically developed in our country. Each article corresponds to one or more permits and scientific reports. The review of articles submitted for publication in the annual is carried out by members of the editorial board – scientific editors of sections.

ISSN 0568-5621,