Kulakov Vladimir Ivanovich

Kulakov Vladimir Ivanovich

Leading Research Fellow at the Department of Archaeology of the Great Migration of Peoples and the Early Middle Ages, Doctor of History, Professor

Biographical information

Education: Studied Archaeology at the Department of Archaeology in Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History (1972)

Mentors: B.A. Rybakov, A.V. Kuza

PhD: Prussian Antiquities of the 6th–13th centuries (1982). Academic Supervisor V.V. Sedov

Doctoral Thesis (The Higher Doctorate): Prussians of the 5th–13th  centuries. (1994)

Key research interests: Antiquities of Western and Central Europe from the Neolithic to the 14th century

Other Professional Activities: Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute (since 2007)

Archaeological Field Excavations in central regions of Russia, South-Eastern Baltic (Kaliningrad Region) (since 1964); Head of the Baltic Expedition (since 1977)


The Amber Lands in the Time of the Roman Empire // BAR. Oxford, 2005;

Доллькайм-Коврово. Исследования 1992-2002 гг. Минск, 2007;


Археологические критерии социальной истории Янтарного берега в I-VI вв. н.э. // Между певкинами и фенами / STRATUM plus. № 4. СПб.-Кишинёв-Одесса-Бухарест, 2003-2004;

«Варварские» подражания провинциально-римским фибулам с «кнопками» в Балтии на фазах С1-D1 // Archaeologia Lituana. Т. 7. Vilnius, 2008;

Население Балтийского региона в эпоху Меровингов // Эпоха Меровингов. Европа без границ. Археология и история V-VIII вв., Wolfratshausen, 2007;

Подражания римским фибулам с луковичными навершиями» в Балтии // Slavia Antiqua. Т. XLVIII, Posnan, 2007;

Генезис трилистных фибул и умбоновидных подвесок // Lietuvos Archeologija. Т. 32. Vilnius, 2007;

The weapon of horizon Sösdala-Untersiebenbrunn // Archaeologia Lituana. Vol. 9. Vilnius, 2008.
