Alessandra Giumlia-Mair
Biographical information
Education: Studied at the Faculty of Philosophy in the University of Vienna; Doctor Philosophiae in Archaeologia (with honours / Auszeichnung) (1980); Master of Science in Archaeometallurgy and quantitative methods of analysis in Archaeology in the University of London (UK) (1986).
PhD: Die neueattischen Doppelhermen (1980), University of Vienna.
Key research interests: Archaeology; Archaeometry; Study of archaeological materials; Materials science; Ancient pigments; Ancient metallurgy, Pottery, Ancient glass.
Other Professional Activities:
Worked as Vice-Director of the City Museum Bolzano (Italy), Italy (1982–1984), Member of the Historical Metallurgical Society (since 1995), of Society of Historians of jewellery at the British Museum (1995–2002), of Italian Archaeometric Association (since 1998), of National Association of Aquileia Researchers (since 1999); Member of the Standing Organizing Committee of the BUMA International Conference (2006-2020) (International Conference on Early Metals and Alloys), Italian Institute for Prehistoric and Early Prehistoric Research (since 2007); Vice President of the Standing Organizing Committee of the International Congress on Ancient Bronzes; Member of the Standing Organizing Committee of the Archaeometallurgy in Europe; Member and Secretary of the Archaeometric Commission of the International Union of Prehistoric and Early Historic Researchers (Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques UISPP); Member of the Editorial Board of Advances in Archaeomaterials, China.
A. Giumlia-Mair has been involved in various archaeological metal research projects in the UK, Germany, Italy, PRC, Canada, Slovenia, etc. (1985–2000). Since 2000, A. Giumlia-Mair has been involved in various archaeological metal research projects in Great Britain, Germany, Italy, China, Canada, Slovenia, etc (since 2000); Ms Giumlia-Mair has been Head of the AGM Archeoanalisi lab (since 2000). Over the last twenty years, she has worked on international projects as a leading expert in archaeometric analysis. She regularly works with archaeological expeditions, including the Late Antique Gothic Torraccia in San Gimignano (Tuscany), the Lombard monument in Fiesole (Tuscany), the iron and bronze smelting workshops in Zambana (Trento), etc. For 11 years and up to the present, A. Gioumlia-Mair is leading specialist in metallurgy and archaeometry at the Institute for Aegean Culture Research in Crete (Pachaeia Ammos, Eastern Crete).
Since 2021 A. Giumlia-Mair is Head of the Laboratory of Architectural Archaeology and Interdisciplinary Study of Architectural Monuments and conducted the research "Pre-Mongolian Paintings in Novgorod - Archaeological Context and Natural Science Research (Frescoes of St George's Cathedral from Excavations 2013-2020" (Grant of the Russian Federation Government for State Support of Scientific Research Conducted under the Leading Scientists at Russian Universities and Scientific Organizations).
Archaeological Field Excavations at Cerveteri (Etruscan city of Cere, 1973); Lower Austria (Carnuntum, 1973, 1974); Magdalensberg, Carinthia (1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983); Friuli region (Vidulis, 1984); Villa Aiano/Torraccia di San Gimignano, Tuscany (2008-2009) etc.
Awards: Award of the Slovensko Arheološko Društvo (Slovenian Archaeological Society) for research of archaeological excavations in Slovenia. She was made an honorary member of the Society (1999)
Teaching activities: Between 1992 and 2005, she taught courses in archaeometry, materials science and ancient metallurgy for the undergraduate, master and postgraduate students at the University of Salzburg (Austria), the Università di Trieste, the University of Trento, the Università di Udine, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Università degli Studi di Milano, Politecnico di Milano, and for the postgraduate programme for archaeology specialists in cultural heritage protection at the Multifunctional Centre of Gorizia (Centro Polifunzionale di Gorizia), Italy
She lectured archaeometallurgy and research of archaeological materials for museum staff and other professionals (2003–2019).
Giumlia-Mair A., 2015, Hunnic gold in Hungary and the Hunnic- Asian connections, in Srinivasan S., Ranganathan S., Giumlia-Mair A., Metals and Civilizations, Proceedings of the International Conference „Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys, BUMA VII“, Bangalore September 2009, NIAS, Bangalore, 23-32.
Crabbé A.C., Giumlia-Mair A., Wouters H.J.M., Terryn H., Vandendael I., 2015, De Colorando Auro: Experiments and literature study of medieval colouring recipes on gilded plates. Studies in Conservation, 1-12.
Giumlia-Mair A, Ferrence S. C., Betancourt P.P., 2015, Metallurgy of the copper-based objects from Gournia, east Crete, in Archaeometallurgy in Europe III, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, June 29- July 1, 2011, Hauptmann A. and Modarressi-Tehrani D. eds., 145-153.
Giumlia-Mair A., 2015, Metalli esotici tra tecniche di lavorazione e status symbol nell’Emilia Romagna dell’età del Ferro. In Immagini di uomini e di donne dalle necropoli villanoviane di Verucchio, von Eles P., Bentini L., Poli P., Rodriguez E. eds., Atti delle giornate di Studio dedicate a Renato Peroni, Verucchio, 22-23 aprile 2001, Quaderni di Archeologia dell’Emilia Romagna 34, 137-153.
Giumlia-Mair A., 2015, Polychrome Production of a Romano-Egyptian Workshop, Deschler-Erb E., Della Casa Ph. eds., New Research on Ancient Bronzes, Acta of the XVIIIth International Congress on Ancient Bronzes, Zurich Studies in Archaeology, Vol. 10, 2015, 305–310.
Giumlia-Mair A., 2015, Phoenician Metalwork: Composition and techniques, in Jiménez Ávila J. ed., Phoenician Bronzes in the Mediterranean, Real Academia de la Historia, Bibliotheca Archaeologica Hispana 45, Madrid, 481-516.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, Livia Stefan, Brian Gilmour, Nicola Degasperi, Paolo Bellintani, 2015, L’officina metallurgica dell’età del Ferro di Zambana “el Vato” (TN) (scavi 2010-2011). Analisi e prime considerazioni sui reperti in lega di rame e in ferro e sui resti di strutture pirotecnologiche, Archeologia delle Alpi, 49-71.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, 2015, Metallurgische Analysen, in P. Gamper, Gurina, die römische Stadt aus der Zeit der Eroberung Noricums, Teil II, Kärtner Museumsschriften, Band 83/II, Verlag des Landesmuseum für Kärnten, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, 440-522.
Giumlia-Mair A., 2015, Techno-Chronology? Alloy composition and the use of technical features for the dating of ancient bronzes, in Daehner j.M. and Lapatin K., Power and Pathos, Bronze Scupture of the hellenistic World, pag. 166-181.
Giumlia-Mair A., 2015, XRF analysis of a ceramic fragment and a marble statuette from Knossos, in Kanta A., Kokosalis M., Marble figurines in Crete: the beginnings, Appendix III, Cycladica in Crete, Cycladic and Cycladicizing figurines within their atchaeological context, Proceedings of the International Symposium Athens, 1-2 October 2015, Museum of Cycladic Art, Nicholas and Dolly Goulandris Foundation, 99-104.
Giumlia-Mair A., 2016, Late Antique Pyrotechnological Workshops in Tuscany, in Körlin G., Prange M., Stöllner Th., Yalçin Ü., From Bright Ores to Shiny Metals, Festschrift for Andreas Hauptmann on the Occasion of 40 Years Research in Archaeometallurgy and Archaeometry, Der Anschnitt, Beiheft 29, Bochum, 219-228.
Giumlia-Mair A., 2016, Technology Transfer from Ancient Egypt to the Far East?, The Silk Road, vol. 14, 126-146.
Anne de Pury-Gysel, Eberhard H. Lehmann, Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, 2016, The manufacturing process of the gold bust of Marcus Aurelius: evidence from neutron imaging, Journal of Roman Archaeology, 477-493.
Fulvia Lo Schiavo, Mario Cygielman, Marcello Miccio, Paolo Pecchioli, Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, 2016, The Restoration of the Minerva of Arezzo, in A. Giumlia-Mair and C. Mattusch eds., Proceedings of the XVII International Congress on Ancient Bronzes, Izmir, Monographies Instrumentum 52, Éditions Mergoil, Autun, 245-252.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair and Sergio Meriani, 2016, A Roman bronze portrait: composition and technology in the 1st century AD, in A. Giumlia-Mair and C. Mattusch eds., Proceedings of the XVII International Congress on Ancient Bronzes, Izmir, Monographies Instrumentum 52, Éditions Mergoil, Autun, 253-262.
Ana Avila de Melo, João Luís Cardoso, Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, 2017, Tapada a Ajuda (Lisbon, Portugal) Bronze Age pin, in Alessandra Giumlia-Mair ed., Aspects of Ancient Metallurgy, Special Number of Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 1-6.
Livia Stefan, Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, Nicola Degasperi, Paolo Bellintani, 2017, The Iron Age bronze workshop of „el Vato“, Trento, Italy, in Alessandra Giumlia-Mair ed., Aspects of Ancient Metallurgy, Special Number of Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 1-9.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, Brian Gilmour, Livia Stefan, Nicola Degasperi, Paolo Bellintani, 2017, Iron working at Zambana el Vato (TN), Italy, in Alessandra Giumlia-Mair ed., Aspects of Ancient Metallurgy, Special Issue of Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 1-7.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, 2017, Technical Study of Later Chinese Bronze Vessels in the Chiossone Museum, Transformation of Archaistic Bronzes in China and Japan, in Food for the Ancestors Flowers for the gods, Failla D. ed., Museo d’Arte Orientale, Genova, 96- 106.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, 2017, Surface Treatments on Later Chinese Vessels, in Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys (BUMA IX), Jea-Young Choi and Jank-Sik Park eds., October 16-19, 2017, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea, 176-181.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, Philip p. Betancourt, Susan C. Ferrence, James D. Muhly, 2017, Special silver alloys from the Pre- and Protopalatial cemetery of Petras, Crete, in Petras, Siteia, The Pre- and Proto-palatial cemetery in context, Tsipopoulou M. ed., Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens, 21, 203-214.
Thomas M. Brogan, Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, 2017, An intriguing set of discs from the Protopalatial tombs at Petras, in Petras, Siteia, The Pre- and Proto-palatial cemetery in context, Tsipopoulou M. ed., Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens, 21, 215-224.
Susan Ferrence, Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, 2017, Minoan Status Symbols: Tweezers, “Weaving Hooks” and Cosmetic Scrapers, in Artistry in bronze. The Greeks and Their Legacy, XIXth International Congress on Ancient Bronzes, Daehner J.M., Lapatin K., Spinelli A., The P. Getty Museum and the Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 261-266.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, 2017, The gilded silver bust, its analysis and manufacturing process, in Die Goldbüste des Septimius Severus. Gold und Silberbüsten römischer Kaiser, de Pury-Gysel A. ed., LIBRUM Publishers & Editors, Basel, Frankfurt, 152-156.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, 2017, Technical study on the gold bust, in Die Goldbüste des Septimius Severus. Gold und Silberbüsten römischer Kaiser, de Pury-Gysel A. ed., LIBRUM Publishers & Editors, Basel, Frankfurt, 35-41.
Soles J. and Giumlia-Mair A., 2018, Metallurgical Habits and Workshop Remains in LM IB Mochlos, East Crete, in: A Giumlia-Mair and F. Lo Schiavo eds., Bronze Age metallurgy on Mediterranean Islands, Volume in honor of Robert Maddin and Vassos Karagheorgis, Monographies Instrumentum 56, Éditions Mergoil, Drémil-Lafage, 498-519.
Giumlia-Mair A., Betancourt Ph., Ferrence S., 2018, Arsenic in the network: Arsenical Copper in Minoan Crete, in: A Giumlia-Mair and F. Lo Schiavo eds., Bronze Age metallurgy on Mediterranean Islands, Volume in Honor of Robert Maddin and Vassos Karagheorgis, Monographies Instrumentum 56, Éditions Mergoil, Drémil-Lafage, 542-551.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, 2018, Polychromie on Greek and Roman Metals: Texts and Analyses, in Über den Glanz des Goldes und die Polychromie. Technische Vielfalt und kulturelle Bedeutung vor- und frühgeschlichtlicher Metallarbeiten, Akten des 2. Und 3. Workshops des Netzwerks Archäologisch-Historisches Metallhandwerk, Frankfurt am Main 24.-27.10.2013 und Berlin 11.-12.05.2017, Kolloquien zur Vor-und Frühgeschichte, Band 24, Römisch-germanische Kommission, Frankfurt aM., Eurasien-Abteilung Berlin, Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn,
Giumlia-Mair A., 2018, Lavorare i metalli, in Il tempo dei nuraghi, La Sardegna dal XVIII all’ VIII secolo a. C., Cossu T., Perra M., Usai A., Ilisso, Nuoro, 150-161.
John Pollini, Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, 2019, The Statue of Germanicus from Amelia: New Discoveries, American Journal of Archaeology, Vol 123, n. 4, (October 2019), Archaeological Institute of America, 675-686.
Alessandra R.Giumlia-Mair, Susan C. Ferrence, 2019, Analysis of Cretan Metalwork, in New Results and Analytical methods to Characterize Pre- and Protohistoric Metals and other Inorganic Materials, Török B., Giumlia-Mair A., Riccardi M.P., Barkózy P. eds., The Journal of the International Union for Prehistoric and protohistoric Sciences (UISPP Journal), ISSN 261-2782, Vol. 2, issue 1, 12-123.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, John Pollini, 2019, Past and Recent Metal Analyses of the Germanicus Statue from Amelia, in Proceedings of the XXth International Congress on Ancient Bronzes, Resource, reconstruction, representation, role, Baas Ph. ed., BAR International Series 2958, Oxford, 25-34.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, Maria Pia Riccardi, 2020, Bronze Age / Iron Age cauldrons with cross-attachments or Kreuzattaschenkessel, in Giumlia-Mair A., Török B. eds., Proceedings of the UISPP Conference in Paris, March 2017, Materials and Manufacturing Processes,
Giumlia-Mair A., Ferrence S. C., Betancourt Ph.P., Muhly J.D., 2020, Silver and silvery alloys in Early Minoan IB Crete, in Proceedings of the UISPP Conference in Paris, March 2017, Giumlia-Mair A., Török B. eds., Materials and Manufacturing Processes.
Srinivasan S., Ranganathan S., Giumlia-Mair A., 2015, Metals and Civilizations, Proceedings of the International Conference „Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys, BUMA VII, Bangalore September 2009, NIAS, Bangalore, India.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair and Carol Mattusch eds., 2016, Proceedings of the XVII International Congress on Ancient Bronzes, Izmir, Monographies Instrumentum 52, Éditions Mergoil, Autun.
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair ed., 2017, Aspects of Ancient Metallurgy, Special Issue of Materials and Manufacturing Processes, volume 32, Nr. 7-8, 707-925,
New Results and Analytical methods to Characterize Pre- and Protohistoric Metals and other Inorganic Materials, Török B., Giumlia-Mair A., Riccardi M.P., Barkózy P. eds., The Journal of the International Union for Prehistoric and protohistoric Sciences (UISPP Journal), ISSN 261-2782, Vol. 2, Special issue 1 2019.