Buryak Anastasia Dmitrievna

Buryak Anastasia Dmitrievna

Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of Contextual Anthropology

Biographical information

Education: Studied Anthropology at the Department of Anthropology in Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology (Bachelor's degree, 2019); at the Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology in HSE University, Faculty of Humanities (Master's degree, 2022)

Academic Mentors: N.N. Goncharova, R.V. Stoyanov, M.V. Dobrovolskaya, A.I. Ivanchik

Key research interests: Reconstructing the way of life of ancient populations; processing and systematization of paleoanthropological research data

Archaeological Field Excavations in central and southern regions of European Russia, the Volga region, Abkhazia (since 2014)


А. Д. Бабкина, Н. Н. Гончарова, Антропологическая характеристика населения Мурома и Нижнего Новгорода XVI-XVII вв. // Археология Владимиро-Суздальской земли. 2020.  № 10. С. 90-101.
