Arsenieva Tatiana Mikhailovna
Biographical information
Education: Studied Archaeology at the Department of Archaeology in Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History (1950)
Academic Mentors: V.D. Blavatsky, D.B. Shelov
PhD Thesis: Moulded ceramics of Tanais as a source for the ethnic history of the Lower Don (1971). Academic Supervisor D.B. Shelov
Key research interests: Antique archaeology and history of the Northern Black Sea coast
Other Academic Engagements: Member of the Scientific Council on field research of IA RAS; corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute/DAI (since 2007)
Archaeological Field Excavations in southern regions of the European part of Russia, in Moldova (since 1955); Head of the Lower Don archaeological expedition (Tanais) (since 1973)
Арсеньева Т.М. Некрополь Танаиса. М., 1977;
Арсеньева Т.М. Светильники Танаиса. М., 1988;
Арсеньева Т.М. Усадьбы Танаиса. М., 1992 (в соавт. с С.А. Науменко);
Арсеньева Т.М. Некрополь Танаиса.Раскопки 1981-1995 гг. М., 2001 (в соавт. с С.И. Безугловым, И.В. Толочко).
Das Antike Tanais – Forschungen und Geschichte // KLIO, 1988 (в соавт. с Д.Б. Шеловым);
Tanais // Ancient Greek Colonies in the Black Sea. Vol. II. Thessaloniki, 2003.