"Archaeology and Geoinformatics"
(volume 10)

English summaries [1]


Bezdudny V.G., Vyazov L.A., Ponomarenko E.V., Petrova D.A., Salova Yu.A., Sitdikov A.G. Complex studies of the Kuznechikha Hillfort (Suvar) in 2018

Bykov L.V., Tataurova L.V., Fedorovskiy A.A., Bogdanov A.A., Svetleishiy A.Z. Stereophotogrammetry for three-dimensional computer modeling of objects in archeology of the Russians in Siberia

Chechushkov I.V., Valiakhmetov I.A. “The wind is getting stronger”: modeling wind speed in the formation of explanatory models of settlement systems

Gnera V.A. Aerial photogrammetric survey of archaeological sites

Kolonskikh A.G. Analysis of the visibility of the hillforts of the Bakhmutino culture: GIS capabilities and field research

Korobov D.S. Using ArcGIS algorithms for mapping borders of “Celtic fields” in the vicinity of Kislovodsk

Lebedev M.A. Using photogrammetry for excavation of Ancient Egyptian rock tomb complexes: prospects and limitations of the method

Майер К., Книсс Р., Гуссенс Л., Цёллнер Х. Клиентоориентированное магнитное обследование

Modin I.N., Krasnikova A.M., Yerokhin S.A., Makarov N.A., Milovanov S.I., Troshko K.A., Pelevin A.A., Ugulava N.D., Shorkunov I.G. Experience of geophysical studies of medieval necropolises of Suzdal Opolye on the example of Shekshovo 9 cemetery

Mokrobrodov V.V., Uspensky P.S., Menshikov M.Yu. The modern topography of the ancient settlement of New Nisa (Turkmenistan) based on remote sensing data and field archaeological and geodetic works in 2018

Mokrushin V.P., Sokov P.V. Elementary three-dimensional model of the burial mound

Novikov V.V. Experience of UAV-based aerial laser scanning in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia. Preliminary results of the work

Novikov V.V., Kainov S.Yu., Sergeev K.S., Gorin A.D. Results of application of methods of exploration geophysics to study the burial mounds of the Gnyozdovo archaeological complex

Petrov M.I., Khlebopashev P.V., Nikolaev M.N., Borisik A.L. Street network of medieval Novgorod and GPR search: survey results

Sizov O.S., Tsymbarovitch P.R., Zimina O.Yu., Zakh V.A. Web-GIS technologies in the study of the life support system of the ancient population on the example of the Turo-Pyshma interfluve (Tyumen region)

Smekalov S.L., Zubarev V.G., Yartsev S.V . Archaeological map of the Adgiel site in Eastern Crimea

Sorokina I.A., Grishin E.S. Spatial analysis of the distribution of field archaeological research in the European part of the Russian Empire and the USSR (on the example of 1913, 1914, 1923 and 1924)

Trebeleva G.V., Sakania S.M., Glazov K.A., Kizilov A.S., Yurkov G.Yu. Late antique and medieval temples of Abkhazia: GIS, photogrammetric research and 3D-modeling

Zagvazdin E.P. Old maps on a modern topographic basis: problems of overlap

Zagvazdin E.P., Danilov P.G. Tobolsk powder cellar of the 17th century: from excavations to visual reconstruction

Zhurbin I.V., Bezdudny V.G., Borisik A.L. Experimental and methodological geophysical investigations at the Kushman III settlement


Bezdudny V.G., Vyazov L.A., Ponomarenko E.V., Petrova D.A., Salova Yu.A., Sitdikov A.G.

Complex studies of the Kuznechikha Hillfort (Suvar) in 2018

In 2018, a comprehensive study was carried out on the territory of the archeological heritage site “Kuznechikha Hillfort (Suvar)” (Spassky District of the Republic of Tatarstan).

The purpose of the work was to carry out archival studies of the ancient settlement’s aerial photographs, as well as to carry out 3D-scanning of the settlement’s territory with the help of the UAV. The creation of a high-resolution three-dimensional model of the hillfort with absolute reference to the geographical coordinate system, as well as the analysis of aerial photographs and microtoplane of the hillfort were carried out. Using the results of the analysis, changes in the magnetic field and changes in the ground associated with archaeological sites were identified by means of magnetometry and GPR. Based on the results of remote sensing data analysis, selective coring work was carried out to confirm the interpretation of remote sensing data.

Aerial photoplane and microtoplane analysis of the settlement played a leading role in the planning of geophysical survey of the hillfort. Sections of settlement were selected within the present-day ramparts with an assumed presence of structures, as well as the possible presence of a backfilled moat. Based on the results of geophysical studies and cameral processing of the obtained data, it was concluded that there are remains of structures at the areas of georadar and magnetometric study of the settlement. The recognized layout of the habitation zone has planned character and at least one street has been identified. The studied structures have different functional purposes – most likely, residential and industrial. Presumably, several horns were found. Different geophysical methods have yielded different results in relatively short areas of the settlement, which is likely to be determined by the nature of the objects and their structure. The decision to apply a set of methods at each site, duplicating them, proved to be effective. An ordered linear deepening, which was interpreted as the remnants of the original Suvar ditch, was detected and confirmed by plotting. Thus, new data on the structure and construction of the inner part of the Kuznechikha Hillfort (Suvar) were obtained with minimal effort, and the remains of its moat were localized.


Bykov L.V., Tataurova L.V., Fedorovskiy A.A., Bogdanov A.A., Svetleishiy A.Z.

Stereophotogrammetry for three-dimensional computer modeling of objects in archeology of the Russians in Siberia

Geodetic support of archeological works with annual binding of borders of each excavation in a single system of coordinates, allows to include in reconstruction of details revealed at different stages of archeological research and not got in a field of vision at the moment of survey. The most complete and accurate description of the site is obtained on the basis of near-field photogrammetry methods.

Historically, the development of photogrammetric methods of building terrain models began with ground-based stereo photography. Later, aerial photography methods were developed. With the invention of digital photography and the creation of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), ground-based stereo imaging has new perspectives.

In 2018, the team of authors tested a portable imaging system for solving problems of near-field photogrammetry on the Russian archaeological complex of the 17th–18th centuries Ananyino-I situated in the Tarsky District of the Omsk Region.

The shooting system, which consists of a combination of a digital camera and a GNSS receiver mounted on a geodetic grid, made it possible to create a 3D-model of the excavation and housing complex studied in 2017–2018.

In the process of operation, the GNSS receiver operated in real time (RTK) and provided synchronous fixation of the antenna phase center coordinates at the moment of photography, which were reduced to the node point of the camera lens.

Photography was carried out with knowingly enlarged overlapping of images. If you follow simple rules of trajectory construction, you can get the photos of the whole object with the correct binding of images to the system of coordinates of the terrain. Photogrammetric processing of the obtained data, performed in the Agisoft PhotoScan software complex (GC “Geoscan”, St. Petersburg), allows to build a 3D-model of the terrain in a given coordinate system. The proposed methodology provides almost real-time results. Thus, it took only about one hour to survey and process materials at the excavation area of 200 sq. m. Based on the results of the survey, dense and textured models of excavation were created, which provide high-precision measurements of the location and geometric parameters of finds, readable stratigraphy, and reproducing architecture of buildings fixed in the excavation.

Based on the results of archaeological research and ground-based stereo photography in 2018, the following conclusions were drawn:

- The excavated dwelling, some of which was studied in 2017, has a complex structure due to repeated reconstructions.

- For some time it belonged to a man who has an extraordinary position. Stratigraphic observations do not allow us to record this.

- The study of housing planning on the basis of building a 3D-model and analysis of its location in the system of the entire settlement allows us to approach the solution of this issue.

The proposed method of ground-based stereo shooting simplifies the creation of a 3D-model of archaeological sites, as it allows to get a finished product in the field, which makes it possible to edit the shooting scenarios.


Chechushkov I.V., Valiakhmetov I.A.

“The wind is getting stronger”: modeling wind speed in the formation of explanatory models of settlement systems

The article presents the results of a GIS analysis of the localization of 22 Late Bronze Age hillfortrs in the Southern Trans-Ural region. Based on field observations and weather station data, the local wind speed is modelled. Comparison of field observations and predicted values shows that GIS-modelling has a high predictive accuracy and allows to obtain models to find the most sheltered and windiest areas of the surrounding landscapes of archaeological sites. The simulations have shown that 19 out of 22 studied Sintashta-Petrovo settlements are located in the zones of weak or moderate wind. This fact allows us to conclude that their dense buildings and bypass walls may have served primarily for heat preservation during the winter season.


Gnera V.A.

Aerial photogrammetric survey of archaeological sites

The article is devoted to aerial photogrammetric research of archaeological monuments, made with the help of a quadcopter. The basic theoretical aspects of work with a quadrocopter (preliminary calculations, process of photogrammetric aerial survey, processing of the received data) and basic principles of carrying out aerial photogrammetry are considered. Examples of aerial photogrammetry application at archaeological sites are given.


Kolonskikh A.G.

Analysis of the visibility of the hillforts of the Bakhmutino culture: GIS capabilities and field research

The nature of the archeological study of early medieval hillforts in the Ufa-Belaya interfluve does not allow us to establish the functionality and role of individual objects in the settlement structure of the Bakhmutino society.

At the same time, there are quite objective and fixed features on the modern earth surface (in the case of ancient hillforts, these are preserved fragments of fortifications), which allow to assume the nature of the use of certain types of sites.

Since the fortifications of the fortified settlements were probably built to protect them, there is reason to believe that the topography of this type of settlement (the location on the tops of terraces, hills, dominating heights) served not only as a means of natural barrier to attack, but also for visual control over the occupied areas.

The main purpose of the work is to analyze the possibility of visual control from the sites of fortified settlements of the Bakhmutino culture.

The peculiar topography and localization of the hillforts allows not only to observe, but also, if necessary, to transmit signals about approaching dangers to other sites.

It is necessary to take into account the size of the territory occupied by the Bakhmutino tribes and the number of known settlement facilities.

It is likely that the cluster location of sites within the common oikumen of the Bakhmutino culture is not accidental and characterizes chronological features or local population groups.

Thus, the mutual visibility zones of settlements cover separate sections of the Bakhmutino culture territory and are unlikely to be extended by the network to the entire Ufa-Belaya interfluve.


Korobov D.S.

Using ArcGIS algorithms for mapping borders of “Celtic fields” in the vicinity of Kislovodsk

This publication is devoted to the description of new opportunities for identifying areas with boundary walls (“Celtic fields”), which are provided by low-altitude aerial photography from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), as well as the adaptation of algorithms for the analysis of three-dimensional surfaces for automatic mapping of boundaries, which are available in the ArcGIS 10.5 computer software package. Special attention is paid to the determination of construction time of boundary walls by means of archaeological excavations, carried out in 2019.

The conducted research develops new procedures and algorithms allowing to identify, map and analyze one of the least studied in the domestic literature forms of agricultural plots – fields with boundaries. Undoubted advantages in this direction are provided by low-altitude aerial photography by UAVs and construction of digital elevation models by photogrammetry.

The work on the creation of digital elevation models by photogrammetry at two sites in the vicinity of early medieval strongholds in the Kislovodsk Basin showed a much more widespread phenomenon of ancient landmarking than previously imagined. It is now obvious that the spread of “Celtic fields” with landform boundaries was sufficiently wide, and in the future such farmland habitats may be discovered using modern remote sensing data acquisition technologies, such as low altitude aerial photography or LiDAR.

Modern software offers a wide range of 3D surface analysis options for identifying and mapping poorly defined linear structures, such as low sodded boundaries. The simplest method is to simulate different angles of sunlight using Hillshade, the most complicated method is to use Curvature analysis. Both procedures are available in many GIS packages including the 3D Analyst module of the ArcGIS 10.5 software package used by the author. Practical recommendations for using this module for automatic recognition and mapping of weakly expressed linear structures in the relief could be limitation of the analysis area to relatively flat terrain within visible areas of ancient fields with boundary walls and use of coarser digital elevation models with a cell size of about 5 m. The combination of these conditions made it possible to carry out a successful mapping of agricultural plots with boundaries in the vicinity of the fortified settlements considered here.

The most important result of our research was the ascertainment of the origin of such a boundary demarcation. Archaeological excavations in one of the boundary lines near the Nart-Bashinskoye stronghold enabled unambiguous dating of that construction to the Early Middle Ages, when the preceding agricultural areas actively cultivated by the Koban culture bearers had come to a complete desolation, and were covered by a thick colluvium layer on which new land cover had formed. This confirms the earlier assumption that plots with boundary walls similar to “Celtic fields” were the basic form of farmland of the early medieval Alans in the Kislovodsk Basin.


Lebedev M.A.

Using photogrammetry for excavation of Ancient Egyptian rock tomb complexes: prospects and limitations of the method

Giza’s eastern necropolis has a long history of use. Activity in this plateau section has continued uninterruptedly since the 3rd millennium BC. Up to the Roman time, the periods of active functioning of the necropolis alternated with the periods of desolation. Since the Early Middle Ages, many ancient tombs have been turned into residential and economic complexes. From the first quarter of the 19th century, the first excavations began in Giza, and then regular archaeological research started. All these events left their mark on the stratigraphy of the tomb complexes studied by the Russian Archeological Expedition in Giza.

Egyptian archeology traditionally lags behind in its development and does not immediately adopt modern methods. One of the numerous reasons for this situation is the traditional orientation of most researchers of ancient Egyptian tombs towards written and visual sources. Therefore, for example, in almost all publications of the tomb complexes of the Ancient Kingdom epoch (27th-22nd centuries BC) it is impossible to find stratigraphic drawings. The lack of understanding of the importance of stratigraphy is not the only reason. Many of the shaft tombs of the Ancient Kingdom era are narrow and have a significant depth, which makes it difficult to fix the stratigraphy. However, the combination of traditional methods of documentation with the creation of three-dimensional models has significantly increased the accuracy and speed of this work.

Field archaeology is a complex combination of different techniques. Some are defined by the excavation process, others by the process of fixing the information. The way we record information in each case is closely related to the excavation techniques used and vice versa. Field records, photos and drawings are traditionally used to record stratigraphy. However, the advent of affordable image processing software using photogrammetry has allowed archaeologists to obtain additional modern documentation tools. The possibility of creating a virtually unlimited number of 3D-models of the excavated object in a given coordinate system has generated a lot of experiments and ongoing discussion about the possibilities and limitations of the new method. Apparently, along with drawings and photographs, three-dimensional models should become a habitual or even a necessary way of preserving information about the site under study. However, unlike photographs, drawings and descriptions, they are difficult to publish or access by other professionals and impossible to fully analyze without appropriate software.

In the present work the five-year experience of using photogrammetry is analyzed at archeological study of ancient Egyptian rock tombs of 3rd millennium BC to the east of the Great Pyramids. The prospects of this method and its objective limitations as applied to the conditions of the Giza rock necropolis are discussed, as well as the variants of using three-dimensional models in the study of stratigraphy and the preparation of publications on traditional paper carriers.


Майер К., Книсс Р., Гуссенс Л., Цёллнер Х.

Клиентоориентированное магнитное обследование

Археологические памятники отличаются разнообразными природными условиями, усложняющими их геофизическое обследование, например, широкими площадями или в местах расположения крутых горных склонов, болотистой местности, сельскохозяйственных угодий и других антропогенных преобразований ландшафтов. В ходе проведения магнитометрической разведки применение мультисенсорных систем, использующих феррозондовый градиометр, стало повсеместным. Не является подобным исключением и разработанная компанией Eastern Atlas система LEA MAX. Другие разработанные устройства зачастую демонстрируют узкие возможности использования за счет количества и конфигурации сенсоров, поскольку разнообразные компоненты этих систем остаются неизменными, и устройство не может адаптироваться для нужд клиента. Это, безусловно, порождает ограничения в обследовании, особенно в сложных для съемки условиях.

Система LEA MAX была разработана с целью развития более гибкого устройства для магнитного обследования археологических памятников, в виде адаптации одновременно к различным условиям рельефа местности и специфическим программным решениям.

Легкая складываемая рама используется в качестве модульной системы. Неся до 10 сенсоров, она хорошо подходит для обследования широких площадей при перевозке квадроциклом, что делает возможным ежедневное обследование от 20 до 30 га площади. Эта же рама может быть преобразована для крепления малого сенсора, который может переноситься аэропланом над труднодоступными участками обследуемой местности. Компоненты системы LEA MAX также совместимы с легкими немагнитными судами для проведения малоглубинного исследования водных бассейнов.

Информация о позиционировании поступает с помощью спутникового приемника геодезического класса в режиме RTK, который состоит из двух антенн GNSS, работающих как базовая станция и ровер. Дополнительно может быть подключен колесный одометр для расчета пройденного расстояния. Обе антенны GNSS свободно программируются для получения любого режима коррекции сигнала в реальном времени или в ходе постобработки, в результате чего достигается точность измерений координат в пределах 1 см. Система позиционирования с помощью одометра может использоваться в случае затруднения получения сигналов спутниковых систем с густозалесенной местности или в глубоких каньонах. Зачастую, обе системы комбинируются в ходе процесса позиционирования.

Инструменты обработки сигнала последовательны и гибки для управления разными видами информации о позиционировании и магнитных данных любой местности. Программное обеспечение включает инструменты для свободного выбора определения местонахождения сенсоров относительно приемника глобального спутникового позиционирования, чтобы независимо осуществлять сбор последовательных данных и иметь возможность управления каждым сенсором в массиве. Во многих случаях необходимо редактировать поток данных и изменять параметры процесса на каждом этапе обработки информации.

В статье приводится ряд примеров получения данных как с памятников, исследованных широкой площадью, так и с удаленных объектов, иллюстрирующие возможности и преимущества использования системы LEA MAX.


Modin I.N., Krasnikova A.M., Yerokhin S.A., Makarov N.A., Milovanov S.I., Troshko K.A., Pelevin A.A., Ugulava N.D., Shorkunov I.G.

Experience of geophysical studies of medieval necropolises of Suzdal Opolye on the example of Shekshovo 9 cemetery

The ratio of settlement areas to the known funerary sites of the 10th-12th centuries in Suzdal Opolye suggests that the total number and scale of a significant part of the necropolises remain unknown. The reason is that the degree of destruction of sites in the territory under consideration, covered by centuries-old active agricultural activity, is very high. The scientific potential of burial sites is far from exhausted and in many respects continues to serve as a basis for the reconstruction of cultural and historical processes taking place not only in the designated area, but also in the Northeast of ancient Russia as a whole. This makes it necessary to localize necropolises that are not visible on the modern surface and to determine their structure.

Solution of this problem by traditional archeological methods is now almost impossible – the volume of excavations and costs at the next stage of the study of the site are disproportionate to the growth of information: the increase in the old excavations gives the same type of objects, and it is difficult to determine the place for new excavations, as there are no clear assumptions about the structure of the site. A complex of geophysical methods was applied as the main method of optimization of the traditional approach at Shekshovo 9 necropolis. The methodological objectives of the study were to determine the possibilities of geophysical methods for the search for the mounds and individual ground burials invisible on the surface.

Different methods of geophysical research were tested to select the optimal ratio of resolution, reliability of results and speed of research. As the main method, pseudo-3D electrotomography was used to map the distribution of physical properties, both in terms of plan and section. The total study area was 25,230 square meters (of which more than 20,000 square meters in 1 × 1 m grid, including 12,000 square meters in two polarizations; several areas were surveyed in 0.5 meter measurement steps between the electrodes). Magnetometry and georadiolocation were also carried out on the territory for methodological purposes.

An important feature of the project is the large area of archaeological excavations (more than 3000 sq. m). Comparison of the obtained results with geophysics data is an invaluable source of information for “training” the interpretation of geophysical data on hidden burial sites of the region.

The results of the comparison showed the possibility of a confident separation of the barrow ditches unexpressed on the surface: 10 out of 12 ditches opened by excavations are well visible in the electrical survey data. The situation is more complicated with single pits and flat graves, the possibility of separation of which significantly depends on their properties and the peculiarities of the geological-soil conditions.

The main factor reducing the quality of interpretation of geophysics is that it is necessary to separate at least three types of objects when interpreting them: archaeological structures, ground heterogeneity of the geological section and changes in soil properties resulting from plowing and other agricultural activity.

The solution to the problem of classifying the selected anomalies in accordance with the types described above is based on combining different research methods. In particular, the results of research show that at the Shekshovo 9 burial site necropolis objects are practically not expressed in the magnetic field, which makes magnetic survey an important source of information about natural geological objects (based on the severity of the magnetic properties of certain objects, the corresponding resistance anomalies can be attributed to natural or anthropogenic). Remote sensing technologies also play an important role in identifying structures that can mask the effects of archaeological sites in the first approximation of electro resistivity approach.

Thus our research shows that mapping of burial mounds on the territory of Suzdal Opolye is confidently carried out with the help of modern electric survey methods. The study of burial ditches heavily disturbed by plowing, as well as the distribution of single pits and flat burials is a much more complex task, which requires consideration in the context of natural and anthropogenic processes, typical for the studied landscape as a whole – an area that is the subject of future research.


Mokrobrodov V.V., Uspensky P.S., Menshikov M.Yu.

The modern topography of the ancient settlement of New Nisa (Turkmenistan) based on remote sensing data and field archaeological and geodetic works in 2018

The article is devoted to the results of the archaeological-topographical study of the territory of the settlement of New Nisa (3rd century BC - 18th century AD, present-day Turkmenistan). Thanks to this work, the current topographic situation at the site was recorded and detailed, a full instrumental survey of the real relief of the site was carried out for the first time, all data on the archaeological work areas carried out at the site in different years were summarized and extrapolated on a detailed topographic base.


Mokrushin V.P., Sokov P.V.

Elementary three-dimensional model of the burial mound

Application of systems of automatic designing (CAD) in modern archeology is not rarity. In particular, we used AutoCAD-2010. The software of such kind allows even not too skilled user to create elementary three-dimensional objects. They make the work more visible. It opens up the possibility of detecting and quickly correcting errors that do not rarely occur at the combination of profiles directly in the field. Opposite faces of the latter are often illuminated differently, dry at different speeds and can therefore be drawn with distortions. When two such profiles are combined, the inaccuracies are immediately noticeable.

In 2018, in the Seversky District of Krasnodar Krai, two poorly visible earth mounds were studied as part of the Afipskaya-15 mound group on the left bank of the Second Erik River. One of them was barely noticeable, with a height of 27 cm on the south and 90 cm on the north side; the other resembled a low elevation (from 0.7 m). Their diameters, respectively, are 30 and 60 m. This is also the length of the mutually perpendicular profiles. They are oriented on the sides of the world, reaching a width of 1 m, both of their faces were fixed. The four sectors of the mound were dug by the excavator in turn.

A stake was hammered at the point where the profiles crossed, flush with the day surface. Its peak is thought to be the R(0) fix point. It coincides with the beginning of the coordinates of our 3D-model of the mound, which is a package of field records placed in one computer folder. The file with the abbreviated name “Kurg” is the main one and opens directly a three-dimensional model.

There are four electronic drawings connected with it – “ZVS”, “ZVU”, “SYV”, “SYUZ” (the abbreviation “SYUZ” is deciphered as “Profile North-South, Western Profile”, etc.). These are side profiles with the same settings; one unit here is equal to a centimeter; each drawing has four layers that should not be confused with the stratigraphic layers of the site:

Layer “1” is the working layer and includes all basic graphic materials, including hatching.

Niv layer – contains inscriptions, leveling marks and related topographic fix points (blue triangles in colored edging).

Layer “Service” – is necessary to connect drawings with each other by means of service marking: the horizontal axis here designates a “zero” surface, from it measurements of depths are made; verticals indicate places of a joint of profiles.

The “Defpoints” layer is intended for storing the scanned original field plans and schemes.

The “Layer Properties Manager” allows to change the color of layers, improving visual perception, as well as to turn off the visibility in any order, if some details worsen the view and block the image.

A copy of the package of documentation prepared by us served as a template for the development of the next 3D-model of the next burial mound. To begin with, the old field plans and schemes have been replaced by the necessary ones. If the thickness of the profile is more or less than the specified one, its spatial position relative to the origin of coordinates can be corrected by selecting it in the main file and opening with the command “Properties” the corresponding panel, where in the column “insertion point X” (or Y) it is necessary to make corresponding corrections.

Then each profile is opened one by one and the layer “1” is completely cleared. Calling up the “External Links” dialog box from the “Insert” drop-down menu, deleting table the rows from the “File Links” that are marked with a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark and have the status of “Unused”. Adding a new initial raster image to the drawing, when setting the path, select “Relative” in the “Insert image” window. Then the folder with the set of documents can be moved to another place (including another medium) without fear of losing links between them. All changes made should be displayed in the main file after they have been saved.


Novikov V.V.

Experience of UAV-based aerial laser scanning in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia. Preliminary results of the work

Since 2018, an unmanned aerial laser scanning (ALS) project has been implemented in the forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones of Russia. In 2018-2020, work was carried out at 20 area sites in Smolensk, Tver, Moscow, Penza, Vladimir, Tula regions and Krasnodar Krai. In the steppe zone of Krasnodar Krai 7 monuments were surveyed (kurgan groups and settlements) over an area of 987.3 ha. In the forest zone 16 sites were investigated on a total area of 2,511.74 ha. The survey was carried out several times for individual sites of the forest zone in the Tula, Smolensk and Penza regions to increase the accuracy and extend the boundaries. Taking into account these works, the total study area amounted to 3499.04 ha.

The UAV-based ALS has proven high effectivity for exploration activities over large areas and in conditions of difficult and inaccessible terrain for fixation. This is a convenient instrument for total and point reconnaissance of archaeological heritage objects which in short period of time (1 sortie - about 60-100 ha, 1 day - 8-10 sorties) allows to get necessary data for defining borders and registration of archaeological heritage objects, making topographical and other plans of individual monuments or the whole groups. Taking into account that the largest medieval sites of Ancient Rus’ rarely exceed an area of 70-90 hectares, it is unreasonably expensive to involve an aircraft for their survey. In addition, archaeological tasks often require repeated surveys (to clarify details or set additional data). In this situation, the use of UAVs becomes the most mobile and efficient solution. The low flight altitude, the low speed, the possibility of operational repeated flights, the mobility of the equipment itself allow to reach very high figures on the number of points per 1 sq. m of surface and to obtain the necessary result of detailing in conditions of any complexity. Nevertheless, a prerequisite for full use is the verification of ALS data during exploration activities using modern non-invasive technologies.


Novikov V.V., Kainov S.Yu., Sergeev K.S., Gorin A.D.

Results of application of methods of exploration geophysics to study the burial mounds of the Gnyozdovo archaeological complex

In 2013, the Smolensk Joint Expedition (Lomonosov Moscow State University, State Historical Museum, Historical, Archaeological and Natural Museum-Reserve “Gnyozdovo”) together with the Laboratory of Engineering Geophysics of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas launched a comprehensive study of the Gnyozdovo archaeological complex. Applied methods include electrical, magnetic, seismic surveys and, in some cases, ground penetrating radar. The main work on the application of exploratory geophysics methods was carried out in the Central settlement, Central and Lesnaya kurgan groups. The terraced and floodplain part of the medieval settlement is studied by seismic, electrical and magnetic surveys to clarify the location of the Dnieper paleochannel, determine the distribution of the cultural layer and study the objects associated with it.

In the difficult sandy and sandy loam soils of the mounds of the Gnyozdovo complex, electric prospecting, which works on the edge of the method, proves to be the most effective. It has a number of tangible advantages: it confidently identifies disturbances of mounds associated with later interventions or earlier excavations of the 19th - early 20th centuries, allows us to clearly define the structural elements of the mound embankment (ditches). Rite identification is not unconditional in some cases. The method does not allow an accurate interpretation of the structural features of the burial structure that are revealed by the excavation. If the barrow contains an in situ cremation, the pyre layer is fairly confidently recorded by individual anomalies. The method also allows the contours of the sub-kurgan pits of the inhumation rite to be determined. This proved well in the study of chamber burials L-206 and L-207 in the Lesnaya barrow group in 2017.

In the case of the study of ruined barrows, overlain by the settlement layer of the 2nd half of the 10th century, it becomes effective to combine the methods involving auxiliary procedures (magnetic survey combined with cappametry and electrical survey in 2D- and 3D-variations). Electro-tomography makes it possible to identify trenches of ruined barrows overlapping the cultural layer of an early medieval settlement and to specify their dimensional characteristics, depth and location in space.


Petrov M.I., Khlebopashev P.V., Nikolaev M.N., Borisik A.L.

Street network of medieval Novgorod and GPR search: survey results

The study of urban street network is one of the key directions in the topography of medieval Novgorod. The range of tasks extends from identification of street names to physical detection of street pavement and clarification of its location. Archeological, written and cartographic sources form the basis for this line of research - all these groups of sources have different information potential and possibilities of application. Interdisciplinary research often significantly increases the possibilities of studying the problem. Geophysical methods are attractive for archaeology due to a complex of factors: possibility of quick obtaining of preliminary information on the location of archaeological objects; evaluation of their shapes and sizes; principles of archaeological monuments preservation and considerable reduction of financial costs and labour input during field works.

Specific characteristics of the cultural layer of Novgorod and the search objects determined the choice of geophysical method: GPR method was used because of the possibilities of operative work, relative simplicity of the search technology and low level of financial and time costs. Approbation of GPR search for street wooden pavements was carried out in 2017 with Loza-B device. Subsequently, surveys were carried out with different instruments and at different times: in September 2018, GPR surveys were carried out with Loza-B, and in December 2018, with OKO-2 GPR.

The method of GPR search for medieval streets in the thickness of the organic cultural layer received additional confirmation of its adequacy for the assigned task. As a result of interdisciplinary research on the topography of medieval Novgorod, new data on the street network of the central part of Slavensky End were obtained. In the course of the research, new materials were found to improve the technology of detecting streets with GPR; the formation of methodological principles and practical approaches to the technology of non-destructive sounding in conditions of thick moisture-saturated cultural deposits was started.


Sizov O.S., Tsymbarovitch P.R., Zimina O.Yu., Zakh V.A.

Web-GIS technologies in the study of the life support system of the ancient population on the example of the Turo-Pyshma interfluve (Tyumen region)

An attempt of comprehensive geoinformation support by creating a thematic (archaeological) geoportal was made within the framework of the Turo-Pyshma interfluve ancient population living system study. The geoportal which integrates the results of archaeological, paleogeographical and landscape research for many years, is a convenient tool for collaborative management and visualization of accumulated archaeological and spatial data sets. Geoportal does not require installation of additional specialized software and is not tied to a specific workplace. The ease of use of the geoportal makes it accessible to specialists without extensive mapping and GIS knowledge.

The web-based GIS software made it possible to carry out paleo-economic modelling of settlement structures. As a result, a preliminary characterization of the main elements of livelihood of the ancient population of the flowing lake system of the Turo-Pyshma interfluve has been obtained for the transition period from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age (Itkul culture). In addition, the approximate number of the population of the Itkul culture, which could live simultaneously in the area under consideration, was calculated. This calculation based on the biomass capable of providing food for domestic animals and by recalculating these data into the number of calories.


Smekalov S.L., Zubarev V.G., Yartsev S.V.

Archaeological map of the Adzhiel site in Eastern Crimea

The Adzhiel site is an area adjacent to the Adzhiel Ravine and its arms, located in the Eastern Crimea, about 30 km west of the city of Kerch. This area of about 100 square kilometers is an area that probably played an important role in antiquity. The garrisons of the fortified settlements and, first of all, the large ancient hillfort of “Belinskoye”, could control the most passable places where, apparently, the shortest ways of population migration from the mainland through the Crimea to Taman were in ancient times. Thus, this territory played a strategic role in the defense system of the Bosporus Kingdom.

The article is devoted to the results of field studies in 2014-2018, which included

- Preliminary studies of literature data, analysis of maps (topographic, geological, soil), analysis of airborne and space imagery, including satellite data on relief;

- Detailed archeological field walking, based on the grid of the topographic map at a scale of 1:100,000;

- Magnetic survey of areas where field walking suggested the presence of settlements and the test trenching of individual identified magnetic anomalies.

A database and geographic information system reflecting the results obtained has been prepared, as well as a demo version of the system. It allows users who do not know GIS software to view the results using regular Internet browsers. According to the authors, the importance of the work lies in the detailed survey of the territory, which revealed not only the presence of archaeological sites, but also the area where they do not exist and which can be freely used for economic activities.


Sorokina I.A., Grishin E.S.

Spatial analysis of the distribution of field archaeological research in the European part of the Russian Empire and the USSR (on the example of 1913, 1914, 1923 and 1924)

The main topic of the presented material is the investigation of regularities of spatial location of field archaeological research in Russia within the framework of separate time intervals.

The main source of research is the archaeological excavation permits given for field surveys in 1913, 1914, 1923, 1924. The choice of chronological slices is conditioned by the task of comparative analysis of the change of priorities in the archeological study of this or that territory. Among the parameters of the mapped objects the data available from the source were taken into account: the number of the permits, the contractor, the organization, the customer, the region or the exact localization of field works.

Spatial analysis of the material was carried out on a digital geographical basis in the form of an overview map of the Russian Empire updated for 1914 at a scale of 1: 2,500,000. The structure of the geographical basis included the administrative division of the 1st-3rd order, the main population centers and communication routes, which made it possible to visualize the distribution of field archaeological research on the map in the form of a geoinformation system (GIS) in accordance with the data of the archaeological excavation permits. For those regions where the study area is generalized, the data were visualized in the form of a cartogram: the color of the polygonal theme determined the total number of permits for a particular area for a specified time interval. More precise indication of the terrain is indicated by ranges or markers.

On the basis of the received cartographic material it becomes possible to establish the main factors of demand for territory in terms of archaeological research. An important indicator in this regard is the spatial concretization of the region on an archaeological excavation permit. It should be noted that more generalized definitions of the permits are characteristic of less studied territories, for example, the Caucasus; more specific instructions of the region – at the county level and more precisely – are observed for areas with a high level of study, which is clearly visible on the archaeological permits of the Novgorod Province.

An accompanying factor in the attractiveness of the area for archaeological research is the topographical study of the region, which in turn could have preceded any work on its development, such as the construction of railways.

Another important factor that determines the spatial placement of archaeological field research objectives is the activity of local, regional organizations that act as the customers of the work. Thus, the high quantity of field research in the Saratov Province in 1914 is explained by the activities of the Saratov Scientific Archive Commission.

With regard to the comparison of the role of individuals and archaeological institutions and organizations as customers of archaeological permits, it is worth noting the effect of a kind of cooperation: during one field season, the researcher could carry out works on permits of both individuals and government organizations, if the objects of research were located at a small distance from each other.

External events had a significant impact on the intensity and spatial picture of field studies. The outbreak of the First World War led to the fact that work on individual permits was not carried out due to the mobilization of performers.


Trebeleva G.V., Sakania S.M., Glazov K.A., Kizilov A.S., Yurkov G.Yu.

Late antique and medieval temples of Abkhazia: GIS, photogrammetric research and 3D-modeling

The Republic of Abkhazia has plenty of medieval sites, including early ones, both in good condition and practically destroyed. The territory of the country is also unique in terms of the number of ancient Christian temples preserved here.

Today, Abkhazia is a rapidly developing region in terms of tourism and agriculture, which poses a threat to the preservation of historical and cultural heritage monuments for future generations. Therefore, there is a need to organize the gentle management of historical objects and collect the most complete information about them. Relevance of the problem of this study lies in the fact that descriptions and plans of sites of temple architecture of Abkhazia in the scientific literature are presented very unevenly. There are a number of sites well researched by archaeologists, art historians and architects, but there are also many heritage monuments that have not been studied at all. Therefore, the main purpose of this work is to introduce into the scientific circulation of archaeological sites that have fallen out of sight of our predecessors. But to recreate the completeness of the picture of the spread of Christianity in Abkhazia and the development of temple architecture, all the temples include in the GIS, as studied by our predecessors and colleagues, and investigated by our team for the first time.

The project includes several areas of research:

1) Conducting archaeological surveys.

2) Using photogrammetric photography, which allows to get all the necessary measurements, plans and profiles in a fairly short time and with maximum accuracy.

3) Creation of computer 3D-models according to available plans and descriptions for temples typical in their layout, which allows to create a fairly realistic three-dimensional model, that can then be used as a visual material in the course of educational activities and museum work.

4) Analysis of the mortar in the masonry of sites.

5) Creation of GIS of late antique and early medieval temples of Abkhazia and attempt to identify various interdependencies by their types and dates for possible reconstruction of the development of Christianity in the region under study.


Zagvazdin E.P.

Old maps on a modern topographic basis: problems of overlap

The analysis of cartographic material is of paramount importance for solving problems of localization and search for the object of excavations in the field archaeology. The comparison of old and modern maps allows us to work out the strategy of scientific search in more details. The maps of ancient times also make it possible to assess the accuracy of their compilation, and this, in turn, makes it possible to characterize the professionalism of both the individual surveyor and the state of geodetic science as a whole.

MapInfo software was widely used in the 2018 field season during the historical and cultural expertise in the foothill part of Tobolsk for construction and reconstruction of the water pipeline, both to georeference the original customer drawings to the local coordinate system and to convert them to a format convenient for working with a GPS navigator. In addition, the function of georeferencing the 19th century map to the modern geographic coordinates was implemented. The georeferenced map was subsequently merged with the modern topographic base. The article describes this procedure.


Zagvazdin E.P., Danilov P.G.

Tobolsk powder cellar of the 17th century: from excavations to visual reconstruction

In the course of archeological research in 2001 and 2003 in two halls of the Palace of the Governor in Tobolsk the remains of the building deepened in the mainland loam was found. It was referred to the number of powder cellars that were located in the territory of the Tobolsk Kremlin in the 17th century.

Based on the results of archaeological research, the authors have made a graphic reconstruction of the powder cellar in a three-dimensional editor Autodesk 3ds Max, supported by well-known analogues of such cellars of the European part of Russia. The powder cellar had a rather complicated construction: it consisted of a deep rectangular pit dug in the bedrock – yellow loam, into which two log houses – external and internal – were let in. Since the study of the pit 6.5 m north of the brick entrance to the cellar did not reveal any other construction, it is assumed that the cellar size did not exceed 12 × 12 m. The cellar had a rectangular layout. Probably, the logs in the houses were joined together in a “oblo”-type (the ends of the beams in the log cabin go beyond the walls). The bottom of the pit was covered with a wooden floor with wooden pillars supporting the roof. The roof was made from logs, which was designed to withstand the weight of the earth. The entire cellar structure was covered with earth from above, so that everything looked like a small earthen hill.

In the cellar there was a brick entrance of arched construction, placed on the masonry of the foundation. Initially, the descent to the cellar was made of wooden scaffolding. Later, the wooden descent was replaced by an earthen one.

The conducted researches and correlation of the received materials with the data of written and cartographic sources have shown, that the found construction is the rests of one of powder cellars of the middle of 17th – beginning of 18th centuries. The Tobolsk powder cellar was built of wood and only the entrance was made of brick. The cellar is no longer used in the early 18th century due to the construction of the Prikaz Chamber. In the eighties of the 18th century, the powder cellar was included to the boundaries of the Palace of the Governor, and it was located on the territory of its two halls. On the basis of the obtained materials and with the use of known analogies, an assumed graphic model of the powder cellar was created. The brick cellar entrance, after partial conservation, is now exhibited in the City Museum in a specially designed hall.


Zhurbin I.V., Bezdudny V.G., Borisik A.L.

Experimental and methodological geophysical investigations at the Kushman III settlement

Comprehensive geophysical investigations, realized with the help of different geophysical methods, measurement techniques and data processing algorithms, can provide consistent clarification of information about the archaeological site and individual objects in its territory. Expanding the range of used methods allows increasing the reliability of archaeological interpretation of geophysical data. The basis for the choice of a method of compilation is a compromise between the task of studying a particular site (finding the site; determining its boundaries and reconstruction of its layout; building a spatial model of individual objects) and the general research strategy (archaeological excavations and museification of the monument).

The article gives a generalization of methodological techniques of such works for settlements of Chepetskaya culture by the example of geophysical investigations at the Kushman III settlement. The strategy of large-scale interdisciplinary investigations with targeted excavations of reference planning objects is implemented, the optimal geophysical complex includes area electrical profiling (basic method), magnetic survey and GPR survey (additional methods), electro-tomography (specifying method). The use of specialized techniques (multidisciplinary electrical profiling, 3D electrical and seismic surveys) does not contribute much to the solution of the problem. Their use is effective in constructing a geometric model of archaeological sites from geophysical data and is therefore only possible at selected sites where excavation is not planned or is not possible.




[1] Translated from English by Dmitry Korobov. Back